Aug 15, 2016

Hello, Hello!

I'm still kicking- although without much force of late.   As Dell Harper would say "I'm having a hard time."   My back is out, I'm still throwing up, and just generally feeling real pregnant.  But I have a couple months to go, and a lot to get done.

Today is a new day, however, and I am THRILLED that school is back in!!!!

Love all the first day pictures flooding my feeds.  I always loved going back to school (nerd alert!).  From school supplies to finding out who was in your classes?  Such a thrill.  Until I got to law school- then my anticipation was more like dread, ha!

Anyway, thanks for your encouragement to keep up with posting.  I am pretty slammed with work this week, but now that I have a bit more time  to myself, posts will occur more frequently.


  1. So sorry to hear you are feeling lousy :( I just entered my 2nd trimester and while my nausea is better, it's definitely still there (same with the exhaustion.. woof). Hoping you have a bit more space mentally and physically for yourself with the kiddos off at school!

  2. Could they be any cuter?! I cannot believe how big all our babies are getting these days. And I'm totally late to the game congratulating you on #3!!! So excited for you guys!

  3. Aw I hope you feel better soon! Being pregnant when you already have children is ROUGH. Hang in there!

  4. Such adorable front porch school photos - my favorite! I hope your tummy gives you a break soon and you get a bit of a respite with school in session!

  5. Oh girl! I hope you turn the corner soon!! Stacy and I were talking about you this weekend. Those are some cute kiddies!!!


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