Y'all will probably see these pictures every May 23rd, but I am still so proud of that event, and more importantly, what it signified- marriage to a man I love and respect more every minute I spend with him. We were laughing over the past four years- selling a condo, buying a house, adopting a dog, renovating that house, having a baby, renovating that house, switching jobs, renovating that house. . .
Of course, Miss Priss has changed our lives and our marriage the most. I was reading a book the other day that said the first year of having a new baby is the toughest on a marriage. I can definitely see how this would be the case- the added amount of stress of an infant is sometimes immeasurable. However, I received some good advice from a couple of friends that I believe helped in that regard, so I will pass it along. When your husband (or wife) is taking care of the baby, whether it's changing diapers or reading stories, don't take over because they are "doing it wrong".
Seems simple, right?
HA! I have had to bite my tongue or sit on my hands innumerable times the past 15 months, especially in the infant stage. Will Dell Harper sleep if the lullabies are sang to her out of order? Her head is facing the wrong end of the crib- the world is going to end! She must be suffering so much having her diaper on slightly crooked!
Uh, no. The world did not end, the baby slept, and she did not suffer. And I had a partner who did not feel criticized, or fearful, or inept (at least not anymore than I or any other new parent feels!). Also, it helps me from lapsing into full blown matyrhood over all that I do for our family (insert heaving sigh). Ahem, not that I would ever go that route.
At least not daily.
It is such an incredible wonder to see Morgan caring for our daughter- it brings an entirely different level of love to our joyous union.
So to wrap up this cliche-ridden post, I feel so blessed by the past four years of marriage to the man I love, and whose kindness and patience never cease to amaze me.
I promise I'm done with the sappiness now. I'll return with okra, anchovies, biscotti and cornbread.