Aug 31, 2009
Party in the USA
I am sitting at my desk, in my suit, reading legal documents, yet singin (in my head) "definitely not a Nashville party, Cause’ all I see are celebs, I guess I never got the memo". I think that's the lyrics. Seems like I would have them down by now. Damn you Miley Cyrus.
Updated to add- please watch this video right now!!
Hurrah! Another Peanut!

Her first, AH, pictures here turns two today!! Happy birthday AH!
Aug 30, 2009
New York! New York! Or why I am possibly the best wife ever!

He thinks we are going to Athens for a Georgia game and to see all my college girlfriends. In reality I am whisking him away for an amazing weekend in NYC. Mwah, ha, ha.
Hubs has never been to New York City. Yet he has been to Cooperstown, New York. I don't understand his family's travel priorirites. Regardless, he has always wanted to go to NYC. Thank goodness he married me.

Marcia Gay Harden, James Gandolfini (!), Hope Davis and Jeff Daniels. (squeal!)

Aug 28, 2009
Apparently My Secret Single Behavior is Neither Secret Nor Single
So I earlier discussed with ya'll my secret single behavior. Last night Hubs got home from Asheville, and I returned from work a bit after seven. It was a rainy night, and he wanted pasta. So (whole wheat) ravioli with spinach and cheese, a simple homemade marina, (chicken) Italian sausage. sauteed spinach and freshly grated parm. Yum!
A lovely cosy night, watching Jeopardy, me tucked up with my new Garden and Gun (hurrah!!), and Hubs enjoying his new Clay Travis book which was waiting to surprise him.
All of this topped off by a little Project Runway- loved loved loved this dress and coat. Did ya'll watch? Thoughts on the chicken and egg maternity duds?

Aug 27, 2009
Dream House

Aug 26, 2009
Update- Henry's Modeling Career

Not to be outdone, Dixie got some attention swimming in the ocean for the first time with her beach buddy Tatter (a good family friend's Springer Spaniel puppy).

Instead of hanging at the Beach Barn with the pups, I am writing operating agreements for limited liability companies. Snooze.
Mmmmmmm. I need to be sipping on post-beach greyhounds on the porch, and making seafood gumbo in the kitchen.
Instead I had a chocolate chunk oat cookie for dinner, and am scrubbing the bathroom floor. (I love my life, I love my life, I love my life.)
Orange Clothing Update
Here's the thing- it fits super cute, is flowy and has an empire waist (crucial for the amount of alcohol consumed on game days). However, the promised orange sash is red! There is a teensy amount of orange in the whole thing. Thoughts? Advice? Return or keep??
Why a Long Distance Marriage Isn't Bad
Followed a chocolate chunk oat cookie and the new issue of Southern Living.
Aug 25, 2009
Go out and buy these right now

My word, they are wonderful! Nuts are something that give you a nutritional bang for your buck, as opposed to Cheetos unsurprisingly enough. These are perfect to satisfy my sweet carving in the afternoon, yet not too sweet (I'm looking at you, Fiber One bars) thus not triggering an attack on anything sweet I can find in a ten mile radius. I fully endorse the 100 calorie idea for nuts because the are the epitome of a good for you thing as long as the portions are small. Go buy them. Yum.
Shrimpy Goodness Part 2

Aug 24, 2009
I will always take accolades!
I will pay it forward and pass this on to the following lovely ladies:
Kristy at Le Petite Blog
Farrell and Lauren at The Plan
Vol Fans-
and finally real life friend Shelley at Lil Miss Type A
Love ya'll ladies, and thanks again Sarah!
My Dog in Southern Weddings Mag?
So on to the weekend- shrimp was a big hit, and about 20 people ended up eating dinner. Eek. I forgot of course to take any pics, until the post dinner dance party. Here's AK and JM doing some dancing with little MC. Don't worry- MC's mom was dancing along and fully enjoying this.
After cleaning up Saturday morning, and consuming a large amount of Chick-fil-a to combat the effect of my wine spritzers (with lemon Perrier yummy!), I chilled by the pool. A smaller group came on over (we had about 30 people on Friday night and 25-20 Saturday, whew!). The girls brought delicious dips, and we all grilled out.
Tired from beer and sun.
We had filet burgers- ask your butcher to make these. Its the scraps from a tenderloin ground into burgers, wrapped in bacon. Yummy.
Burgers, sweet potato fries, and grilled okra. Perfect easy summer meal. Everyone hung out til late. Most of the ladies headed home at a decent hour, because 4 of us had to wake up early for church, as we are now commissioned as Sunday School teachers! Little MC's mom and I are teaching the 5 year old's together. I'm sure I will have many stories starting next Sunday.
Aug 21, 2009
Cute Target Outfit (aka I went in for face wash and spent $80)
So of course I could not find it on the website (because it sucks). However, I am totally digging my new Merona Mad Men vibe duo today. I love this because its structured, wearable year round, and I can mix and match since its separates. Also, digging the roll neck collar, and back pleating on the skirt (not shown obviously). It was a little pricey for Target, but so versatile I couldn't resist. I love me some plaid.
Shrimpy Goodness (or why I would be horrible at keeping kosher)

I have made this recipe a trillion different ways, depending on the crowd, mood and what's on hand. For example, if I am working on a bottle of chardonnay, I'll fling some in instead of the beer. Although, I do hate to waste any of my wine.
New Orleans Barbequed Shrimp (which has nothing to do with barbecue sauce, or a grill [for the Yankees])
8 sticks of real butter. (this is rather terrifying. If my arteries are feeling sticky, sometime I use 1/2 olive oil and 1/2 butter)
2 tablespoons Old Bay or creole seasoning to taste;
2 - 3 teaspoons cayenne pepper and 3 - 4 teaspoons black pepper, to taste
2 tablespoons chopped rosemary leaves
1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce
6 ounces good beer
10 cloves garlic, finely minced (or as much as you like- just use fresh garlic, none of that jarred dreck please)
1 medium onion, very finely minced
3 - 4 tablespoons chopped parsley
Tabasco to taste
2 teaspoons fresh-squeezed lemon juice. I like the slice the lemons and use the slices in the pan. This makes your presentation look pretty.
5 pounds shrimp, heads and shells on
[This feeds 8-10 people, BTW ... cut it in half if you need to.]
- Melt a stick of the butter in a skillet.
- Saute the garlic, onions, parsley, rosemary and seasoning blend for about 2 - 3 minutes.
- Melt the rest of the butter.
- Add the beer (drink the rest of the bottle).
- Add the sauteed stuff, Worcestershire and lemon juice.
- Put the shrimp in a single layer in a baking dish, and pour the sauce over. Make sure the shrimp are covered in the sauce. If they're not ... melt more butter and add to the sauce. (just pretend you are Julia Child- butter is good!!!)
- Bake uncovered in a 350 degree oven until the shrimp turn pink, about 15 minutes.
I like to put newspaper down on the table, so people can just dump their shells. Clean up's a breeze, because you can roll up the paper.
Serve the shrimp with lots of sauce in big bowls. Serve with tons of good french bread, and a big green salad.
Not everyday food, but such a wonderful treat! Unless you keep kosher. I'm Presbyterian- fully in favor of bacon.
Aug 20, 2009
Legally Blonde

Do you know Petro?

There's your basic Frito pie. That forms the foundation of the Petro. Then you layer on the following:

Every bite is a combo of gooey cheese, chili, sour cream, spicy jalapenos, maters and general yumminess. Normally I get marinated cucumbers on the side- my favorite snack. Cucumbers and onions marinated in a vinegar yogurt sauce. So great.
A "Petro" bar is also a great entertaining idea. Every year my family has a Christmas chili party. My mama and I make chili for 100ish people, and set up a toppings station with Frito's, cheese, sour cream, salsa, black olives, jalapenos etc. It's a great party, especially for an open house style. After the initial do ahead work, it's perfect for the hostess because you can enjoy visiting with your guests. Preferably wearing reindeer antlers. (Mine light up).