Jul 31, 2009
Last Year
Is Chivalry Dead? Part 1 of very, very, many

LADIES FIRST!!!! I mean really, who does not know this? Apparently a lot of people who ride the elevator. If you are blocking the exit in a super-crowded carriage, then exit first please, but otherwise stick to the rules. Among the ladies- let anyone older than you exit first. Its courteous and respectful.
Now violators of these rules are still the exception down here, but becoming increasingly common in my experience. I don't know if its transplants or if someone's mama just didn't raise them right. Either way, I am disheartened every time some 17 year old male shoves his way of an elevator before me.
I'm a little cranky- its been a long week ya'll.
What have I done??? Private Benjamin Edition
Have any of ya'll done boot camp before?
Jul 30, 2009
Dog Model Diet

Well, Henry has gained a few lbs since the above pic. This is perfectly fine, as when we adopted him he was skinny as a rail due to his time on the streets begging for milk bones for the poor. However, Henry is getting a bit corpulent now, much like his namesake Henry the Eighth. I am concerned that this will harm his future modeling career (he should be the new Bush's Baked Beans dog), so I decide he is long overdue for a walk and some quality time. I pick him up from my parents, for some exercise and a slumber party at the condo.
Henry and I are tromping along the Boulevard, admiring the lake, the beautiful homes, Henry is checking out some nice looking lady dogs.

We stroll along, when out of the blue he just plops down again!! He doesn't fall for the clever "I'm leaving without you" trick this time. Its getting dark, and I am ready to get home and clean the house (watch Top Chef Masters). I plop down in the grass next to him because I have no other alternative. People walking, running or even DRIVING by, stop and inquire if my dog or myself are okay, "Is anything wrong?" (Yes lady, I can't get my hundred pound golden retriever to move, and the championship round of Top Chef Masters is about to start, and I need to go home and clean the kitchen to keep up the pretense that I am the neat one in the relationship before Hubs gets home!). "No, everything is fine" I sweetly reply to all "I've just got a worn out puppy here" (lazy a-hole of a dog who is enjoying the attention).
This happens a couple more times, its almost ten and I am at my wits end. Then it dawns on me. Ha! We start walking on the road, instead of the trail. Possibly due to his life on the streets, Henry is excellent with avoiding cars. I know that my safety first dog will never lie down in the streets. We speed on home, and I immediately get him some cool water, in case he really is suffering from dehydration instead of a bad case of the stubborns. He takes one sip! One!!!
Oh, he wasn't tired or thirsty. He just figured out that if he laid down, he wouldn't have to exercise and I would pet him. I just hope old Henry the genius dog never imparts his wisdom to the Hubs. That could get dangerous.

Jul 29, 2009
Dear Banana Republic
As you know from my bi-annual suit purchase at your outlet stores, I truly despise spending money on work clothes. They're boring, repetitive, overly conservative, and yet I wear them every day. This is precisely the reason why I need new work clothes. So I'm headed to get a large diet lemonade at the Chick-fil-a at the mall, when I spy the most adorable work clothes in your window. Great job! Even better, you are having some sort of tie-in with my latest obsession, Mad Men. Although Sterling Cooper is probably the last place I would want to work, I definitely want like to look like the ladies who work there.
Unfortunately, as previously mentioned, I spend too much of my disposable income on fun clothes, which are pretty, flattering and possibly sexy. Not suits, or my standby sheath dresses. So please take pity on this poor working gal, and send me the following gratis. Thanks!
I love this look and think it would be really cute on me! Not sure about your styling choice of the brown belt with gray, but I am pretty traditional. Love the blazer too- so fun to pair with the multitude of black dresses I already own, mostly manufactured by you. I'm a loyal customer, see?
I am rapturous over this darling printed sheath, its stretches to add comfort, which is great because my body expands exponentially as the day progresses for some unknown reason. I like this with a black blazer or a colorful cardi on Fridays.
Ooooh, and this graphic dress is perfect for Fridays, PMS bloat, hangovers, or just general grumpiness.
And with tights and this wool swing jacket (which I can pair with more festive attire for my long-awaited weekends), I will be absolutely adorable!
This dress is far cuter in person, but I'm sure you recognize what I am referring to. This is a great transitional piece. Lightweight blazer for now, or cardi, then when it gets a bit chilly (not for a few months because I live in the south) the wool swing jacket!
Thanks Banana! Please send the patterned sheath and gray sheath and jacket in a petite size 6. I think everything else will be a great fit in a 4. I so appreciate this new work wardrobe! We'll be bff always.
*Updated to add:
BR you and I are no longer friends. Sorry. I trotted into your store happily sporting a coupon from the lovely Sarah at http://lifemoreexciting.blogspot.com/. 30%- whoohoo!
Until you have 4's in the styles I need 6's in. And 6's in the sizes I need 4's in. Is this because you have already shipped me my freebies in my desired sizes? Somehow I doubt it.
Furthermore- the gray suiting sheath dress. Um, if cleavage was acceptable at my work, I probably wouldn't be wearing a suit, okay? I know that I am quite endowed in the bosom area, but I get really frustrated when I am trying to buy some suitable clothes and I get full on decolletage! Its not evening wear! Arrghhhh!!
Okay, sorry for that rant. Just had to get that off my chest (which is apparently too big for BR's taste).

However, I still break out every time! I've asked my dermo, but the stuff she gave me was $80 a bottle. Huh. I like to be outside a lot, lady. I drive a convertible. A little vial of liquid gold which I have to replace every week is not a solution to the problem of a few pimples. I mean, really?
Mad Men Style

I seriously considered buying this one for Cotillion or for the Hubs' Brigade of the Mythical Realm of the Rhododendron Ball, but reconsidered when I realized its over $300.
This one is just perfect for swanning about the house, putting on canapes for your guest (maybe doing some vacuuming wearing heels and pearls, as well?).
I like the purple for a little sleek look- add some major eye makeup, some hoops and a charm bracelet or two and I am ready to go!
This outfit would be perfect for a Georgia game (in 1960). Or now?
All of these dresses are made by Suzy Perette (just google and you will find tons of awesome vintage dresses for sale). However, they all sell for $200 plus. Boo.
However, the other day I was rooting around the attic, and found a Suzy Perette dress!! (of my grandmother's) !!! I am trying it on later this week when I have a chance to fully investigate this discovery and head back to my parents. To be continued. . .
Jul 28, 2009
More Southern Living Love

I also got to visit the Georgia 2007 idea house- Kousa Creek which uses a lot of the elements which are "musts" for my dream abode.; tin roof, combination of stone, shingles and wooden siding, shed dormers, and lots of outdoor living areas.

2008 was not a good year for idea houses and me, due to moving back to East Tennessee from Atlanta, taking the bar, getting engaged, and renovating the Hubs' condo.

However, it's 2009 and I am back. I am dying to go to Dahlonega to see Hemlock Springs. I like the exterior look, but am truly drooling over the interiors by Mallory Mathison.
Check out this elegant yet comfy couch- love the pillows and the accent along the bottom edge.

Combined with the fun bold print of the chairs- I'm in heaven!!!

I also love all the built-ins and architectural details. The combination of the grass cloth walls with white cabinets and stunning molding is especially yummy.

The dining room, with red (my absolute favorite color) accents is crisp and classic. I love the pass through to the kitchen, which is pleasing both practically , for entertaining and aesthetically.
I also love the built-in bookcases- the interior wall is the same material as the floor.
Attention Pat Conroy fans!!!
The Hubs was cracking up as I ran to the couch, mag in hand, squealing like a piglet!
Jul 27, 2009

So today during lunch I headed to the Kroger to get some rice to bury my cell phone in (will explain later). Hubs wasn't feeling well (possibly too much fun with the guys on "Sunday-funday" is my diagnosis), so he's leaving for NC tomorrow (hurrah!). I started thinking about those fish tacos. However, do to never ending doc review, I have zero desire to fry fish tonight.

Along with some coleslaw mix binded with homemade citrus honey vinaigrette (probably will consist of rice vinegar, honey, lemon juice, and queso fresco to add some creaminess, maybe a little mayo), chopped avocado on a whole wheat tortilla (if I'm having frozen fried fish, I have to have a little health in there). Some Spanish brown rice, some refried beans, and we're set for dinner, Throwdown style. Yum.

Looking good catfish!
Updated to add- looks like training is a no-go tonight, as I will be stuck in the office. Luckily, the Hubs can make Rice a Roni and bake frozen fish. Good thing I went the convenience route, since eating dinner at midnight would really disturb my tummy.
Back Where I Come From. . .*

For an easier hike, try Abrams Falls. Its the first leg of one of the routes to Mt. Leconte. This was my favorite hike ever as a child, especially when its snowy. As ya'll fellow southerners know, snow is a rare, fleeting and mysterious thing here. However, its sticks and stays int he mountains, so we got to experience it some. The giant icicles, windy trail and snow on the ground made the perfect place for my friends and I to play either a) Narnia, b) Heidi or various other imaginary settings.
* For all of ya'll non-country fans, this is a quote from puka-shell-wearing, Renee Zellweger marrying, hometown boy, Kenny Chesney
P.S. I was supposed to go for a hike Sunday, and the lake all day Saturday. This did not happen. Why? Because I was in the office. All day on Sunday. Boo.
Although I guess I can't complain, considering as a transactional attorney who does real estate development, I'm lucky to be working at all. Whatever- I can still complain. Working on the weekend, in the summer, waaaahhhhh!
Jul 24, 2009
Wine and Shine

So apparently the guys are not as excited about wine part of wine and cheese as us ladies are. However, I was able to entice them with a far more sophisticated type of inebrient.

White Lightning, my friends. That's what you get for a wedding present when you're a born and raised East Tennessean. Seriously- an old family friend who originates from here:

There is actually no sarcasm contained in my above exclamation- I am genuinely excited about this gift. I do love me a tiny tipple of moonshine, every so often. I am from the city of Thunder Road, as noted by Yee-Haw Industries:

(Hurrah! Moonshine!)
*Edited to Add- Don't be scared. I am not a raging redneck. I just have Appalachian tendencies.
Jul 23, 2009
Cheesy Weekend (not involving dance clubs or PCB)

Cowgirl Creamery's Mt. Tam Triple Creme. My absolute favorite. So creamy, stinky, and amazing.
Humboldt Fog- a blue cheese from California. Its strong (so strong sometimes when a take too big of bite, I have a funny taste in my nose- yes, I realize that makes zero sense, but that's what it feels like), and so tasty.

Time to call the gals for some w(h)ine and cheese on the porch- a perfect prelude to an excellent Friday night. Too bad I still have a day to go. Sigh.
I suspect that these ladies will attend:

Although one of those ladies has a baby, and one is knocked up, so might no be as interested in wine and soft cheeses as the rest of us.
Jul 22, 2009
Southern Lit Lust
So, I guess I like to read books about where I live. Not very cosmopolitan of me I suppose.
Anyway, I have the best birthday present ever this year (and unfortunately its not the Jessica Simpson dress. By the time the Hubs got around to looking at it it was sold out. Tragedy, indeed). However, this man is giving me an incredible present for my b-day.

Well played, Pat Conroy, for making sure that I would be awake for every minute of my 28th birthday reading away. (Hopefully, I will have good light that will not encourage squinting, since I'll be in my very late twenties and therefore need to start thinking wrinkles. )

In the meantime, to satisfy your Southern lit lust, please read this book:

It is so good. Really. I made Mama read it, and she e-mailed the author asking when her next book was coming out. I was a little embarrassed when my mama told me this, but Susan Rebecca White was very gracious, and seemed delighted as opposed to terrified at complete strangers e-mailing her. I guess when they are raving about your writing its not as frightening, or annoying as "Nigerians" asking for your bank account to store their millions.