Feb 8, 2017


An update on my furball!

He is doing well!  Not loving the cone, but that's normal.  He is now putting weight on his leg.  Honestly, I'm trying to keep him doped up on the pain meds, so he won't be attempting to run around.

He's in the cone for another week or so until his stitches are removed.  As long as we keep him calm and stitched up, I think the risk for amputation is low.

Thank you so much for all the kind words- we found the culprit.  A big ceramic planter near the back steps was knocked over last week.  I didn't realize it at the time, but a piece broke off, leaving a jagged edge.  Poor Buddy ripped up his leg on that, we think.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about Buddy. I also had a beloved golden and learned about the inflatable collars instead of cones after one of her injuries. She much preferred it! It kept her from chewing her legs, but didn't affect her mobility as much (no more running into walls and chairs!). Plus, seemed comfy for sleeping. We had the Kong Cloud collar, but there are lots of options on Amazon (and I am sure your local pet store). Good thoughts for healing!

  2. Oh Samma, I'm so happy to read this update on sweet Buddy. Glad he's on the mend and hope he stays that way. xoxo


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