Mar 21, 2016

Springing Up!

 We had a fantastic spring break trip down to the beach for friends.  My parents were also down there at the Bay House, so we got to help break in the new pontoon and take a little break from the sand.
 We got back in time to make it to church for Palm Sunday- I was just tickled to see DH come marching down the aisle waving her palm.
 After rest for the kiddos and a much-needed run to Kroger for me, we hit up the church Easter egg hunt.  Luckily the toddler area was a ghost town, and my kiddos managed to accumulate quite the stash before the big kids arrived.

Their favorite part was the petting zoo.

Picking grass to feed the goats was Deeds heaven!

We got home for a quick dinner of Spring Onion Pie (recipe here), and baked apples.  Simple and delicious!  I forgot how good this recipe is- love anything that I can whip together out of the contents of my pantry and fridge.
Okay, I'm dashing off to jazz without even proofing this post.  Chalk the typos up to beach brain!

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