Apr 11, 2016

Of Late

I had a busy weekend working at a local plant sale for my garden study club.  It was absolutely freezing!  We were all bundled up with chapped faces by Saturday evening.  Better cold than rain, however!

 My job was taking care of the consignment vendors.  It made it very difficult not to whip out my checkbook constantly.

I made (yet another) sheet pan dinner the other night- sausage and pepper with garlic basil bread.  Too good!!  I will share the recipe later this week.

We saw The Book of Mormon Thursday night- absolutely hysterical!!  I could not stop laughing.  Fair warning- it is extremely vulgar.  But also extremely smart and hilarious.  Loved it.

Poor little Deeds has the worst allergies.  I just started him on chewable Claritin.  Simultaneously, he starts acting HORRIBLY.  Extremely aggressive- just pushing people out of the blue, refusing his nap and staging a huge battle to go to bed.  Just WILD!  Thank goodness for Google- I thought about the allergy medicine and how Benadryl makes him crazy.  I googled "toddler behavior side effects Claritin" and about a million message boards popped up- not sleeping, aggressive, uncontrollable, etc.  I breathed a huge sigh of relief!
This poor little guy apparently does not do well with antihistamines.  He's getting a prescription nasal spray instead.  Sweet little buddy.

1 comment:

  1. That dinner looks delicious! I'm dying to see Book of Mormon! It came to Richmond last fall, but we couldn't make it!


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