Dec 8, 2010

We Have a New Addition Coming!

Nope, not a baby.  Or another golden retriever adoption (if only Hubs would let me . . .)

I'm getting a SISTER!

Brother and Em are getting married this Memorial Day weekend (an excellent date- it will be Hubs and I's second wedding anniversary weekend).

I am too tickled! Yay for new members of the clan.  Also, I am so glad that i don't have to keep an upcoming proposal secret anymore because it was killing me! Mama was having problems too, as she would get a silly grin on her face whenever she was around the pair.



  1. keeping my brother's engagement a secret was SO HARD. hooray for new sisters! i'm getting mine in august - one week before my first anniversary.

  2. That's so exciting! Congrats to your brother and his bride to be!

  3. I cannot WAIT until I can post something similar about getting a new brother-in-law. Congrats to them!

  4. Hooray! I heart a wedding! Congrats on keeping the secret!

  5. What happy news - and so hard to keep quiet! Well done!

  6. What an adorable couple and a great way to end the year on a wonderful note! Best of luck to them!

  7. Awww congrats to your family! I love weddings...such happy events!

  8. yay!! congratulations to your brother and best wishes to the bride to be. they are a gorgeous couple!

  9. Congrats to your brother,both look so good together!

  10. Aww… congrats! What a good lookin' couple too1

  11. awwwwwww awesome! How exciting - many congrats to the cute couple! :) (i'm sure they're happy but they're also cute! haha)

  12. I'm so excited for your family! They are just gorgeous together - how fun!! xoxo


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