Apr 11, 2011

Three Times The Fun

So I'll go backwards with my weekend, and start with pictures from Sunday-
 All of the hostesses and Peg at the shower for the trips! (click all pics to enlarge)

 Peg showing off her bump, and adorable dress from Boden.
 My favorite gift was the three teeny tiny bathing suits, so the girls can all hit the pool this summer.
This makes me laugh, because there is actually eight people in it.  Five of them are in utero.  Hee.

The night before we helped host an engagement party on one of the bridesmaids' parents' farm for Brother and Em.

 I tricked Morgan into coordinating his clothing with me.  I attempt this for every event, and it rarely works.  I would like us to be like Will and Jada Smith (sans Scientology and poofy shoes), and coordinate all clothing choices.  Hubs has no interest in this.

 Trying to get a bunch of ladies drinking wine to stop chatting and take a picture is quite difficult, as most of us know.

My brother and some his best friends.  We discussed how much I hated them when they were in middle school. No one was offended- after all, the assholery and annoyance factor of 12 year old boys is a truth universally acknowledged.

Speaking of annoyance, my dear fur ball Buddy is being a bit of an asshole himself, and burrowing between my hand and my lap top, so I'll wrap this up.  Recipes and a rundown of the bridal shower will follow tomorrow, I promise!


  1. You are so adorable - look how teeny tiny you are! I know you're so excited about the family wedding this year... I know the feeling!

  2. Seriously, could you and your friends be any cuter?! I love everyone's outfits and the boots are fantastic! Can I please please hang out with y'all so I can be adorable by association?

  3. You had quite the busy weekend!! I laughed so hard when I read the part about hating your brothers friends...totally thought of the beginning to "smoke on the water" over and over and over again and skater boys


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