Jun 17, 2016

Five on Friday

1) VBS

This post was originally planned for last Friday, but didn't happen.  We had VBS at church last week- super fun, but super exhausting.  My body rebelled at the end by lapsing back into morning sickness mode.  I must admit, I am sick of throwing up this go around.

Enjoying the amazing Kona Ice Truck at the VBS celebration carnival.

2) Cheap Summer Activity

I picked up a couple of squirt bottles for the kiddos at the dollar store.  It has given me hours!  Hours that I should be weeding, but have instead sat in my chair and read my book while they play.
 Squirting each other, squirting bugs, squirting chalk to make paint, and squirting dirt to make mud.

Don't squirt Mama!

3)  Redemption Road

Have y'all read anything by John Hart?  Southern, literary, thrillers.  YES, PLEASE!  His latest does not disappoint- set in a small North Carolina city (which, IMHO, more closely resembled my own small East Tennessee city), it follows a young cop as she recovers from a traumatic ending of a controversial case, while delving into her complicated relationship with her pastor father, and the release of another cop from jail for a murder he may (or may not) have committed.

Just try it.  It's good.

4) The Girls in the Garden- Lisa Jewell

Slightly lighter, but just as suspenseful.  I loved this book- reminiscent of Liam Moriaty, it uncovers the mystery of a 13 year old girl found beaten in the park behind her home in a lovely London Square.

5) LOFT Jewels

LOFT is having a great sale right now.  Due to my burgeoning waistline, I'm focusing on accessories. I have a bunch of necklaces from LOFT and always get so many compliments.  I could spend a fortune on all the goodies they have right now.

On a more serious note-
Addressing the recent tragedies is beyond by ability as a scribbler of our daily mundanities.  Like all of us, I am heartbroken and speechless.  The hate threatens to overwhelm us all, and I have no words or way to properly address the situation.

Now, back to the mundanities- I have to get these kiddos dressed and fed.  Some days that alone seems insurmountable!

Thanks to the Five on Friday ladies!



  1. You are full of good recs today! Off to buy squirt guns and check the library for those books! Have a great weekend! (And I hope the morning sickness subsides. Sounds terrible.)

  2. Hope your morning sickness gets better, my dear!! LOVE loft jewelry!!!

  3. Love the squirt bottle idea! How is your yard/you/children not overrun by mosquitoes? If you have any secret, please share! I'd love to send my little one out w a squirt bottle but she'd be carried away...

  4. i just bought that first necklace, love it! also, i've been meaning to comment for awhile but i have been loving a couple of your sheet pan suppers that i've made recently, so thanks!


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