Nov 30, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

Thanksgiving was delightful, and I didn't burn anything. The reunion was super fun (although Hubs is in the doghouse for the foreseeable future), and both the Dawgs and the Vols beat their opponents Saturday night! All in all, a fantastic weekend!  I will have pictures and some recipes for y'all soon. How was your holiday weekend?



  1. Hi! I made your broccoli casserole recipe and it was a HIT!!! It was delicious. Thanks for sharing!

  2. how funny is it that two mediocre SEC teams (SC and UGA) beat the two best ACC teams (GT and Clemson)?

    glad your teams won-- and glad mine won, too!

  3. Sounds like a great Thanksgiving - except for Hubs - uh oh, what'd he do? My Thanksgiving was amazing as well!

  4. Mine was great! Nothing burned for me either. I didn't overeat too much and i've really enjoyed my vacation!

  5. Can't wait to see pictures! Sounds like a busy--but fun holiday weekened for you!

  6. So glad you had a wonderful weekend... hooray for the Vols and the Dawgs!

  7. Evs was in the doghouse as well on Sunday... luckily he was smart - brought bagels in bed and let me boss him around when he was putting up the Christmas lights.


I love to hear from y'all, so drop me a line!