May 17, 2011


So I have been woefully neglectful when it comes to the dear blog and you readers.  The last few weeks have been a blur of birthday parties, enagement parties, and baby showers.  Above was ALE's lovely celebration for a certain big birthday.
Then we headed down to Chattanooga for an engagement party for Brother and Em, which was lovely.

Then we had a surprise birthday derby party, an engagement party, and a baby shower the next weekend.
I ripped this picture from a friend's facebook.  I like it because I was telling an absolutely filthy joke (I'm center in the black and pink dress, whispering this joke to Carson).
This past weekend was relatively tame, with a happy hour that lasted into the night replete with skinnygirl margs (I feel thinner already, thanks Bethenny), a trip to Reynolds Plantation with Mama to work on rehearsal dinner preparation for Brother and Em's upcoming nuptials, having to get out the first aid kit during Sunday School class (never a good sign when dealing with a herd of 4-6 year olds) and a baby shower.

I'm looking forward to this weekend, with just a movie on the book, and time to clean out my diasasterpiece theatre of a closet guest bedroom closet guest bedroom bed and laundry room closet.  I also need to punish myself indulge in a quick two day juice cleanse to prep for bridesmaiding with a bunch of 23-25 year olds. Maybe my almost thirty year old self should do some moisturizing as well.  Hmmm.


  1. Busy, busy lady - love all of the festivities! haha the pic of you telling the dirty joke is cute! I hope you enjoy your rest, relaxation and cleanse. :)

  2. All sounds fun! I am sad we will be missing you all in Florida this year but you have a great excuse...SHANNON'S WEDDING! Love and miss you!

  3. Whew!! You are SO busy! All the parties look like so much fun. And now I want to hear that joke...

  4. I am also spending a weekend taking care of the home after a lot of fun the past few weeks. Good luck with the organizing!

  5. Great photos. That dirty joke picture is the best! :)


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