May 13, 2015

Of Note, of late

I was just chastised about my lack of updates by a family friend who is in town visiting my parents.  Sorry, Joyce! I'm getting back at it!

This tonsillectomy thing really took it out of me.  I will do a comprehensive toddler-tonsillectomy post later for those who are interested, or pre-procedure googlers such as myself.  Spoiler- it ain't a great two weeks after the surgery.  But my girl is back to herself as of Tuesday, and I am cautiously beginning to breathe easier.  As is she- the quietness of her sleep compared to the gasping/snoring/wheezing of pre-tonsillectomy is amazing.  Now I just need her sore throat to completely dissipate, so we can both get some sleep.

Luckily, after a week of playing nursemaid, when I was at my complete breaking point (poor little girl got a spanking in the roses in front of Chick-fil-a after she tried to do a runner into the busiest street in town- hydrocodeine is not my child's friend), I got to jump in the car with some girlfriends and head to the beach!

 It was a glorious Mother's Day weekend- I could not have asked for a better trip.  Major props to Morgan for holding down the insane asylum while I was gone- a tougher proposition that I had anticipated when DH wasn't well enough to go to school on Thursday or Friday.  Also, major thanks to my sister-in-law and niece for coming in from Charlotte to visit (aka lend Morgan a hand).  And, of course, to my own mama, for checking in on things, and helping with my wild little boy while Morgan administered to the pitiful patient and vice versa.

Although actual Mother's Day was pretty rough- i.e. immediate meltdown the moment I walked in the door, by Monday my girl had recovered enough to pick me some flowers.  By flowers I mean all the petals off my petunias on the front porch. Ha!  "Happy Mudder's Day, Mommy!", indeed.
Please note that she is sporting a ninja turtle shell.  Essential for all your gardening duties.  Getting back to normal around here!
We even hit up the zoo today!  It was a blast, although based on the recurring DH meltdowns starting around 4 this afternoon, I might have pushed my luck.

I have a delicious baked fish recipe for y'all coming, as well as some book reviews later this week.  Time for me to eat a brownie, pour a glass of milk, and curl up with a book!  Joyce, I hope you enjoy this post greatly!  HA!


  1. Oh, girls weekend sounds so incredibly lovely! Especially after what you've gone through lately. Glad to hear that she's recovering and everything's getting back to normal. Hope you had a lovely Mudder's Day!

  2. Tonsillectomy recovery is THE WORST. But such a game changer for the little ones. Glad she's feeling better. That beach trip looks like it was an amazing little getaway. Love that you're back at blogging!


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