Sep 17, 2015

The Best Diaper Rash Remedy!

In decidedly  prosaic matters, Deeds have a perfectly awful diaper rash a couple weeks ago- the kind that just spreads and spreads.  Not wanting to go to the pediatrician to get the prescription cream that zaps it, I pleaded with one of my favorite nurses for some home remedy wisdom.  Here it is!

Mix equal parts athlete's foot cream, cortisone cream and zinc oxide diaper rash cream.  Spread it on the rash, and voila!  Deeds' was cleared up in about 6 hours.

My life is so glamorous, I know.


  1. Love that chair - the scallop edge slipcover is gorgeous And that handsome boy in it - too cute!

  2. Diaper rashes are the worst! Thanks for sharing you formula of action. We treated my nephew recently with my new Rodan+Fields regimen Soothe- it worked like a charm!

  3. Just got the call from daycare that Caroline's diaper rash is OUT of control. Thanks to this post I ran right up to CVS at lunch and hope to get this cleared up! You are the best!


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