Jan 19, 2016

Old vs. New

Excuse any incoherencies in today's post.  I am dealing with one of those awful dry coughs that leaves you gasping for air.  In the interest of Morgan's and my sleep, I took cough syrup at 3 AM.  Now my head is filled with cotton candy.  Siiirrruppp.

Anyway, my friend Holly and I went to an auction preview of a bi-annual antique auction being held this weekend.  I'm really disappointed I didn't win the lottery (spoiler alert!), because in addition to my new seating, I would have hit this auction hard.

 Especially in pursuit of this South Carolina huntboard.

Isn't it beautiful?  The proportions are so elegant, yet sturdy.  I figure if it's lasted nearly 200 years, it can withstand my dog and children.

 All the art was calling for me to bid on it and hang it up!

Holly and I both loved this beautiful corner cabinet.  I'm not a huge fan of overly distressed pieces, but when it happens naturally over 200 years of use?  Yes, please!

This one is huge-  about 9 feet tall.  I kept staring at it in wonderment.  My 1978 scaled ceilings wouldn't work, but I could just imagine the antebellum home it came from.
Look at the concentric circles painted on the doors.

Oh, and all the silver?  I felt like I was in Ali Baba's cave of treasure.  

I could stuff my chest of drawers(es) full of booty.  Too bad my bank account is in no condition to be plundered.

That huntboard, though. . . sigh.

So tell me- new or old for you?

I would be happy if all my case goods were antiques (of the Southern primitive or Southern type- nothing fancy for me), and my upholstery new(ish).

Note- if anyone wants to purchase that huntboard or anything else pictured, you can bid online.  The link is at the top of the page.  After your purchase, please e-mail me for my address.  I will happily reimburse you for shipping.  Hee.


  1. Totally with you -- old, battle-tested wood and clean crisp new(ish) fabrics. These are GORGEOUS pieces!

  2. Ooooh, this would make me want to redecorate my entire house (which sort of gives me hives, just thinking about it). Now do tell, what is a huntboard??

  3. I love a mix of old and new...traditional and modern in our home! Lots of our furniture is very traditional, but I try to keep it feeling fresh with bold, and sometimes even trendy, accessories! Swooning over those corner cabinets!

  4. That silver is the stuff that my dreams are made of! Looks like a super fun event!

  5. Case Antiques is fabulous! We've met with them in Nashville and would love to make it up to Knoxville to see their goods. Speaking of I can't wait for the Nashville Antique and Garden Show! So yes, old please (and maybe even a little mid modern if it fits)


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