1. Estate Sale Goodies
Have I infected y'all with the estate sale bug yet? I went to a wonderful one last week. I wanted to rip down all the curtains and valances and take them home, but sadly that was not allowed.
I did nab this beautiful signed watercolor for $15!And SIXTEEN full place settings of this everyday china. For $85! Now it's time for a dinner party. Go to https://www.estatesales.net and check out what's happening in your local. It's so addictive. I love a good treasure hunt!
2. Marsala Sauce
Last night I made this sauce- double the mushroom. Easy and delicious! It was so good served over leftover pork tenderloin, along with spinach and parslied angel hair pasta. I'm thinking of making a big batch for the freezer- perfect to serve over pork or chicken!
3. Bubbly Mask
My bank account had the misfortune of me having to do a solo target run after the kids were down earlier this week. I snagged this mask, and it is awesome! It fizzes up, so you have about an inch of bubbles on your face. Tingly bubbles! I have no clue whether it did anything, but it certainly was a lovely addition to my nightly hot bath.
4. Sleep Water
I've been having a tough time going to be early enough. I know Tommy is going to wake up at some point, but I start reading, or cleaning, or various other task that aren't sleeping. This water knocks me out! I fear that it is awful for me, because I love it! It's magical.
Solid sleep without being too groggy to feed him at 4 o'clock in the morning? Miraculous.
5. The Greenbrier-
Check out this week's post about the Greenbrier. I'm ready to go back tomorrow!
So thank you to the Five on Friday gals! Have a wonderful weekend!
Just popping in from the link up. Hubby and I both love a good estate sale. Love the china you found! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!