Jan 25, 2010

Case of the Mondays

Lord, I am grumpy today.  I do want to announce the winner of the giveaway- #8 according to the random number generator thingie.  Bethany was the eighth entry so congrats! Send me an e-mail with your address please!

A lot of you asked about Banish Fat and Boost Metabolism versus the infamous Shred.  I love the Shred, but I use it along with heavy weights as my third weight-lifting day.  BFABM is about an hour and straight up cardio, so I do it on a cross training day from running, or if my blasted right shin is acting up, as it currently is.  Which combined with torrential rain, led to a lot of laying on the couch the weekend.  Blergh. I did catch some good stuff such as:

1.  The Hurt Locker- This is the likely reason for my current dour mood, not because it was depressing, but due to the fact that I was super tense the entire time.  Therefore, sleep did not happen.  See it- it's wonderful and interesting.  However, don't try and sleep immediately after wards.

2.  The SAG awards.  Find George Clooney talking about how Betty White is a bobcat in the sack on YouTube or whatever.  It's amazing.

3.  Lots of Sporting Events.  These consisted of NFL playoffs and basketball.  I find both of these vastly inferior to college football, and therefore read my book and made bored noises while Hubs partook.

And, to cure this case of the Mondays, how about a gratuitous picture of George himself.


  1. George makes everything better. I have a case of the Mondays as well. Boo!

  2. I won!!! So excited! My email is blbrodger1@hotmail.com.

    You've made my day happy!

    xoxo Bethany

  3. George does help soothe the Monday blues a bit, doesn't he?

  4. I have the mondays too! I went to bed at a decent time and still am yearning for a nap!

  5. I am also having a case of the Monday's. George is a good anidote though.

  6. Oh the case of the Mondays!!! I just want to know why it seems to arrive so soon!?!
    The 30 Day Shred has been treating me well, I must admit - thanks for the advice ;)


  7. Just lovely - George could brighten any day!


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