So, as y'all know, things are a bit hectic in my life this spring. A couple weeks ago, I was super stressed with work and obligations, and feeling completely overwhelmed. I was talking on the phone with Hubs, who was in Asheville for work. Staring at the clumps of Buddy hair festooning my hardwoods, and the empty Gatorade bottles laying around (take a guess- not mine!), I decided something had to go. Obviously, not Buddy or the Gatorade bottle leaver-arounder. Just picking up after the two of them.
"Hubs, I am really stressed out right now, but I know what I want for Valentine's Day and our anniversary. I want you to pick up around the house more, and run a vacuum. While you are chilling on the couch, and I am digging through the basement archives of Knoxville's oldest home on a board workday, I need you to pitch in. This would help me so much, and is all that I want"
So what do you think his response is? I'm expecting, "Of course honey. I know you are so busy, I would love to help you." Obviously this is the correct answer.
Three male readers, please make a note, if your significant other calls you almost in tears, and begs you to wipe a counter every so often, do not say the following:
"Maybe you should cut out going to Jazzercise and working out with Russ. Then you would have more time to get housework done"
My thoughts were not fit to reply or to type in a public forum, so I gave a muffled yelp and hung up the phone, turned it off, and immediately drew a relaxing bath, hoping it would prevent me from driving over the mountain to murder my unsuspecting husband.
Y'all, I work out probably 4-5 hours a week. I wish it was more, but lately I don't have time. It is the only thing that keeps me sane when stress threatens to give me an ulcer.
Yeah, he's pretty lucky he's still alive. Have to keep him that way, so I can continue rehash the time he told me to cut out exercise so he doesn't have to load the dishwasher.
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ha! my husband told me our sink was too small so he can't do the dishes! we're about to start a kitchen remodel and i'm picking out the BIGGEST farm house sink i can find!
ReplyDeleteBTW..thanks for the Pam Anderson recommendation. I got one of her books and it's incredible!
Oh my. I can sympathize with you greatly...I have three girls too, and I find that when I can strong arm my husband in helping me, so that my only days off from work are not spent trying to clean 24 hours a day, I have to praise him like a toddler.
ReplyDeleteNiiiice. I believe the conversation in our house is that I should walk the dog more so she isn't as annoying and then I can get some endorphins flowing.
ReplyDeleteOr perhaps he could turn off Sports Center and make the flipping bed.
See, I get it. :)
I love this! I'm going through the exact same thing with my husband right now. He leaves stuff all over the house. It makes me want to cry (and it doesn't help that I'm a little OCD). Men!
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain. I am actually thinking of doing a video tutorial of how to pick up your clothes, wipe down counters and sweep for my husband. I will send you the link. Have a good weekend!
ReplyDeleteGah! I would have died if my husband said that! I am constantly after him to pick up after himself. And would it kill them to take a cup or bowl to the dishwasher?!?
ReplyDeleteFiance fussed at me the other day for not having gotten the engagement announcement in the paper the other day. I looked at him and said "I don't know what happened. Perhaps between everything else I have to do such as school, working two jobs, taking care of the dogs and cleaning your house I FORGOT!" He apologized after the shock wore off.
ReplyDeleteYou would think he would have known better after the silent treatment I gave him when he said the house was so messy it should be condemned.
Males = idiots.
oh my lord i think our lives are twins right now. we had a blow up last night about it (glasses all over the house, shoes in the middle of the floor, a weeks worth of ties hanging on his chair)
ReplyDeleteAt least he woke me up this morning and said "he's worried about me and will try harder" ... oh the pains of being a woman!
This is the kind of comment that he will no doubt hear about until he is gray and wrinkly... and rightfully so! Good luck- hang in there!
ReplyDeleteRuh roh. Sounds like someone earned himself a place in the dog house! Good thing he was already out of town or something tells me he'd be sleeping on the couch.
ReplyDeleteMy husband does laundry and dishes but the man cannot clean a bathroom. When I bring this up, he suggests we just hire a maid. One of these days I'm going to finally take him up on that and he'll probably have a small heart attack when he sees how much his laziness costs him. That'll teach him!
How funny! We had this convo a few years back. Thankfully the husband decided he was tired of my complaining and agreed to hire someone to clean. I found a wonderful lady who comes every 2 weeks and it is so worth it.
ReplyDeleteI second coastal southern's suggestion of hiring a housekeeper. Doesn't make up for the comment (and hubs should learn to pick up more!!) but would it free up a lot of time and mental energy. After reading these comments, I feel very lucky that my husband is just as much of a neat freak as me. I cook and he does the majority of the cleaning (and he does a really good job!!!).
ReplyDeleteGah! Husbands. Mine just got huffy because I didn't wash his favorite work out shirt that he wore yesterday and wanted to wear again today. I asked him if he honestly expected me to stay up last night to run a load of laundry so his favorite shirt is always at the ready. My blood was boiling.
ReplyDeleteThe greatest thing we've ever done for ourselves was hire MaidPro to come bi-weekly. When we have busy months, like your's now, we have them come weekly. It is seriously worth every single penny. It improves both of our moods and we would rather go out to eat one less night a week then give up our beloved Odelkys at MaidPro. I consider her our marriage counselor.
Preach on. And don't worry you're not alone sweets. My solution is to hire a housekeeper, but of course hubs says that's too expensive. Harumph!
ReplyDeleteYup - i'm with two of your readers/commenters above. We had to hire help. Our "problems" came out during pre-marital counseling. Our guy pointed out that all of our 'points of contention' were around cleaning and he suggested we hire someone. Best $ we have ever spent and have now worked someone for 3+ years! I recommend!
ReplyDeleteHaha, just sent this to my dearest and massed to a few soon to be appreciative girlfriends. Thanks for the banter, ladies! Glad to know I am not alone.
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how much better this post (and all the comments) make me feel. I thought I was the only one!