She adored her first plane ride- I fed her on take off and landing, and she played and snoozed the rest of the time. If only she liked the car as much as a plane!
Em's family was down at Watercolor as well, and they joined us for a feast of fresh from the Gulf New Orleans barbeque shrimp. (recipe here- make it now, please, because it is to die for!)
Hubs approved.
Miss Priss did not feel like cooperating for Mother's Day photos. However, she did give me and Mama a lovely gift on Monday- she rolled over for the first time! It was extremely exciting for all parties involved. Law, I never thought seeing something roll over could give me such a thrill.
It was a different type of beach trip, considering I saw the beach and the pool for about ten minutes each. It was lovely to get to relax however, especially since I returned to a mountain of work and a ripped up kitchen and den. It comes as no surprise that renovating your house with a 15 week old baby is a terrible idea.
These pictures make me grin - you are so beautiful and happy!