Jan 30, 2015

Five on Friday- BIRTHDAYS!

1.  Miss Priss turned three on Tuesday.  Three! How is this possible?  She woke up just thrilled to pieces "I three now? YAY!!"  Then, "When I turn four?"

 Birthday cinnamon rolls and bacon for breakfast.  And a special straw.

 2.  "Graddy" came over for a fancy birthday dinner of poppyseed chicken, broccoli, rice and gingerbread cake with cinnamon cream cheese icing with sprinkles.  The birthday girl had a lot of input in the menu, especially the cake selection.  Last year was lemon and "boo-berries", this year gingerbread.  She marches to her own drummer, as they say. . .and those of you who know me well are laughing your heads off, since interesting and offbeat selections are rather familiar.

3.  She received this microphone from my dad.  I've been treated to "cool moves" ever since.

 I won't bore y'all with videos, but I'm pretty entertained.  For now.

4.  The main event occurs on Saturday.  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Party.  Her first party, and ALL her friends needed to be invited.  And so they are.  Thank goodness for bounce houses and church gyms.  I haven't gotten crafty on this- the party is all about kid-fun and they care not a farthing for printables or pom-poms or other such nonsense.  Although, DH and I did make some favor bags.
 I was thrilled when she insisted on helping.  Then I could just cut and go, blaming any wonkiness on my three year old assistant.  Victory is mine!

5.  Not to be forgotten, Saturday is Deeds' birthday! His new thing is crawling over to me, standing in my lap, and putting his little arms around me.  I don't get emotional at all when that happens, sniffle, sniffle.

 Poor guy- has to celebrate his sister on his big day.
 Please note the amount of gear these two need for a simple stroll- blankets, tennis shoes, dinosaur, double fisting zippy cups, bottle and maraca.
Cheer up, little guy!  You'll have fun and eat lots of cake, I promise.  Also, enjoy that bottle, because come Sunday morning they are gone.  Along with the pump!  Hallelujah!

So big week around here.  Can't believe this time last year I was big as a house, hanging out with my just turned two year old for her last days as an only child. . .

As always, thanks to the Five on Friday ladies for hosting!


  1. You still win The Most Adorable Pregnant Lady award in my book. Happy birthday to both of your little nuggets!

  2. Yay Birthdays! Cracking up over the Ninja Turtle party -- DH is an eclectic lady after my own heart! We will be Peppa-Pigging but also at the park or rec center... Easy kids' parties are my favorite!

  3. I agree with MHM above ... soooo cute during pregnancy!

    I, for one, would DEFINITELY not be opposed to seeing the videos of the microphone and "cool moves" -- bring 'em on! She is one sassy, stinkin' adorable three year old!


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