Jun 28, 2011

Mysteries and Cheese Toast

So you're awake at four o'clock in the morning. . .I firmly believe all that tossing and turning has burned so many damn calories, that only carbs mixed with some cheese and butter will remedy that deficit and soother you to sleep.  Along with a good mystery or two. . .

Someone asked me what I have been reading lately.  I have been on quite the mystery thriller kick lately, and have several set in the South to recommend to y'all.

First off- A Little Death in Dixie by Lisa Turner
Set in Memphis, this twisty Southern Gothic follows the case of a troubled, alcoholic society woman who has disappeared, and the cop who is trying to find her.  I ordered this on my Kindle randomly based on good reviews, and loved it.  It's an excellent balance of literary and suspense- you can't stop reading, yet you aren't losing brain cells.

Next are the novels of John Hart-
I picked up the King of Lies based on Pat Conroy's ringing endorsement, and the fact Hart is a recovering lawyer.  I tore through it, took a slight fluff break (warning, Hart's books are excellent, but not without large amounts of angst), then finished up The Last Child yesterday.  I liked The Last Child even more- actions, twists, and an intriguing mystery.  I'm terrible at book reviews, so check the reviews on Amazon and get back to me!  Hart's newest novel, The Iron House, comes out mid July, and sounds very promising.

I've been filling out my murder and mayhem with Bossypants by Tina Fey, and Rob Lowe's bio, both of which are quick fun reads.

 Also, loved Spoiled by the Fug Girls, for my dose of summer YA, downloaded onto the Kindle so i can pretend I am reading works from the literary canon. 

Hmmm, in other fluffy reading, I enjoyed The American Heiress by Daisy Goodwin, set in the Gilded Age, and full of intriguing period detail.

Okay, that's all the insomnia fueled books recommendations I have. . .any good ones I need to check out?  The lack of summertime television means I need more books than normal. . .


  1. I LOVED Spoiled!! and just finished Bossypants. I love my Kindle and have taken to checking out the section on Amazon that has reads for under $5. budget friendly and gives me some new ideas. one of my all time favorites is the Time Traveler's Wife, so I'm reading a new Audrey Niffenegger book now, I'm loving it so far.

  2. Whoa that cheese toast...I have to have it. Is it seriously just butter and cheeses toasted in the oven??

  3. MMMM, cheese toast! My Mam-Ma used to make that for me. I'm doing some pretty heavy reading right now...the entire "traveling pants" series. Don't ask me why, I just am.

  4. i loved paris wife. I've also found myself speeding through the valentine series from adriana trigiani. her big stone gap series is pretty good, too.

  5. The Forgotten Garden, Let the Great World Spin, Skippy Dies. Enjoy!

  6. I love your book reviews! Check out 31 Bond Street. Great murder mystery set in New York. A friend of ours actually wrote it! Must write a review now that I think about it. You will LOVE the casserole I just posted. Happy 4th weekend!!!

  7. I just got back from vacation in Barbados and while there I read Wench (only okay), Museum of Innocence (good, but a little disturbing/sad), 4th of July (suspenseful but not great), Shadow Tag (very good, but sad), and Total Control (good thriller).


I love to hear from y'all, so drop me a line!