Mar 6, 2012

This and That

  • I am laying in bed, watching Cougar Town- unusual as we don't have a TV in the bedroom.  However,  I have temporarily relocated to the guest bedroom with the advent of Dell Harper and her middle of the night feedings.  Hubs can't nurse her in the middle of the night, and I prefer a well-rested and happy husband as opposed to company in the middle of the night.

  • I really enjoy Cougar Town, as well as Happy Endings.  Do y'all watch either?  Hubs thinks they are a bit too silly, but I catch him chuckling when I make him watch.

  • Just a gratuitous Dell Harper picture-
By the way, if you are dealing with a baby with reflux,  I highly recommend the Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper that Miss Priss is laying in- it keeps her elevated, so has replaced her crib as her bed for now.  We tried elevated her crib mattress with a wedge, but it did not raise her enough, and she kept sliding down.

  • Okay, so more curly hair pics.  Please excuse my wrinkled pjs, and makeup-less face.  I must really love y'all to allow this curly hair instruction to overcome my tremendous vanity.

Okay, so blot your hair with a t-shirt.  I don't know why I look frightened.  It's not a scary process.  Maybe I saw the bags under my eyes.  Props to Dell Harper for giving me those.

Next a pump or two of this stuff.  Here's a secret- if you have straightening balm, but not curl enhancer, don't fret.  I think they do the same thing- i.e. fight frizz by coating the hair with silicone.

My hair dryer is just a cheapo that I picked up at Tar-jay the other day on sale.  It met my requirement of having a diffuser.  It cost $13 and said it was professional, which is doubtful, but it works.

Flip upside down and blow-dry as you normally would.

If you get sick of being upside down, feel free to flip up for a while.

Now, straightening my hair with a round brush, sectioned off, etc. take at least 45 minutes.  New curly mess, although  slightly unkempt in appearance?  About 25 minutes of dry time.  And such time is far less arduous. Totally worth the slightly wild woman look.


  • On a far more somber note, there were 4 Thin Mints left in my freezer.  I ate them all this afternoon, as a reward for cleaning kitchen and doing laundry.  Now I want another one. Hmmm, to break into Hubs' Samoa stash or not?  He is out of town. . . but I am not particularly fond of those.  It would be a poor substitute for a frozen Thin Mint indeed.  Sigh.


  1. There is NOTHING as delicious as a freezer Thin Mint. Good for you for treating yourself! :)

  2. 1. Miss Dell Harper is quite adorable, as is her mama.

    2. I think I need to try your curly hair method.

    3. Those pajamas are great.

    4. I'm nursing quite the Lemonade and Thin Mint addiction this Girl Scout Cookie Season!

  3. I really want to hold Dell Harper! She is adorable! Stacy just got the Rock N Play!Cute PJ's!
    I also recommend It's a Brad Brad World for late night feeding entertainment.

  4. The Rock N Play sleeper was a life saver for us as well!!

    I am going to try this with my hair this weekend. I've heard good things about the Curls Rock brand!

    And Dell Harper is just precious!! :)

  5. Dell Harper is such a doll and I love that name! I used to nurse in our guest room in the middle of the night (while on maternity leave)so Hubby could get enough sleep before work. Having a TV in there would have helped. ;) And, I think "Happy Endings" is hilarious. Love Penny. Finally, your curly hair looks great - may be time for me to get a new blow dryer and diffuser.

  6. aww congrats! She is a little doll and i LOVE the name! Were expecting our first little girl in the next couple weeks! xo

  7. Love the curly hair! I have curly hair myself and have been doing the t-shirt towel for a few years. I don't diffuse, probably should, but I'm not sure I still have a hair dryer!!


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