Nov 12, 2012

Changing Times

So Margaret and Annie came up from Atlanta to visit this weekend- both Buddy and Dell Harper were in raptures having two aunts to love on them! After Dell Harper went down, we made Ina Garten's Parmesan Crusted Chicken and Five Cheese Penne.

I hadn't made either recipe in a few years, and they were just as wonderful as I remembered. 

Both ladies are expecting, so barely a dent was made in the bottle of wine, and we all lasted until about 10:30 before crashing.  Annie is due at the same time I was with Dell Harper.  We were marveling at all the changes a year makes.  A year ago I looked like this, and now I have a daughter who says "Dada" to Hubs, crawls at the speed of light, and stands up in her crib.
After the ladies left, Dell Harper and I both took solid Sunday afternoon naps.  I needed some rest, as my kindergarteners wore me out Sunday morning.  We are studying Daniel and the Lion's Den, so I re-purposed Dell Harper's headpiece and Buddy's costume for my students to use in a game.  I didn't mention that it was my baby's and dog's costume.  Although, to a 4 year old, wearing a baby's costume would likely be more offensive than a golden retriever's.

So, lots of other changes are brewing around here, which I will fill y'all in on as soon as I am able!  Until then, I am going to continue to simultaneously enjoy every second of life, while willing everything to slow down!  Quite an easy task indeed.


  1. I totally saw that picture from a year ago and momentarily thought that was you NOW and had a mini freak out.

  2. oh YUM. super hungry preggo girl wants to eat that pasta NOW!


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