Apr 9, 2013

Mad Men Beach Wear

 Could you not just die?  There is a video with Janie Bryant (Mad Men's genius costume designer, and a fellow East Tennesseean, I must add) on AMC's website, and when she found the above shift at her favorite thrift shop, she grabbed it with haste.  

The screen shots are a little blurry, but that maxi dress needs to be in my closet.  And I don't even favor maxi dresses.

Oh, and for good measure, how about a little New Year's Eve celebrating-at-home-Don Draper?



  1. So amazing. I haven't had a chance to watch the episode yet but I LOVE the clothes *always* from the show.

  2. Love it! I am just now starting Season 5 on Netflix - love the show, love the clothes, it's fabulous (well except for all the smoking - crazy!).


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