Mar 14, 2014

Five on Friday

Happy weekend everyone!  I'm linking up with the lovely ladies of Five on Friday to share a few things rattling around my computer.

1.  Blog read-

A Dose of Pretty's  "Mommies Behind the Blog"- a blog series that interviews designers with children.  I love getting to know new bloggers and questionnaire type posts.  It's an interesting peek into some creative and inspiring women's lives.

2.  Garnet Hill's Bathing Suits

I can't believe swimsuit time is creeping up on us.  EEK!  At least I can just hold Deeds in front of me as a camouflage/excuse.  Spring break is this coming week, and while we aren't going anywhere, I have bikinis on the brain.

Or toddler-wrangling-friendly one pieces, rather.

Go to the website to see tons more cute ones.  I think these don't look too old lady-ish, yet will be modest enough for DH's swim lessons at the Y, or hanging out at the local pool.  I love Anthropologie's offerings as well, but at $98, the Garnet Hill options have a far friendlier price point.  They also look more friendly to the "girls" which is a must for any nursing mama.  I will not be seeing a bathing suit for  a couple weeks, but might go ahead and try a couple of the suits out.  Any other recommendations? Ordering online is a plus, as is bust support and tummy coverage!

3.  Oil Pulling

So I have been reading lots of articles about oil pulling recently.  I was in the shower waiting for my conditioner to condition my dried out mop for the prescribed three minutes when I spied my tub of coconut oil and thought I'd give it a try (said coconut oil makes a wonderful shaving cream- my legs are silky smooth).  My mouth did feel cleaner today- I only managed about ten minutes.  I don't know if it helps, but I suppose it can't hurt!

Have any of y'all tried this?

4.  Sleep Training.  

Oh, the joys of getting a baby on a schedule.  Deeds is 6 weeks today, and I'm starting to gently nudge him into a good routine.

With Miss Priss I did a combination of Baby Whisperer's EASY routine, Babywise and Twelve Hours Sleep by Twelve Weeks old.  Lo and behold, she started sleeping 12 hours the night she turned 12 weeks.  This time I can't be as tied to home for naps since I am toddler wrangling, but I know I will lose my sanity without a definite schedule and a baby who sleeps through the night.  Plus I like to have my time and hand off children to a sitter without worry of things going completely haywire (at least not all the time, ha!).

I was using the Moms on Call schedule for toddler and baby, but it has me putting Deeds down at 8:30, which is just too late for the both of us.  He does better with 7-7:30, as do I.  However, that complicates things with DH who goes down at 7:30-8.  Law, I have spent way to much time trying to figure out the bath/bedtime situation.  I need a body double!  Obviously, Morgan would help, but Miss Priss only wants her mama to do bath and put her to bed.  If she is screaming bloody murder and hammering at the nursery door, I can't get Deeds down.  It's a quandary. Any good ideas?

5.  Baby Smiles

Morgan's dad came in town for a quick visit on Wednesday, which brightened our rainy day.  Deeds graced Pop-Pop with his first smile!  We were trying on his great-grandfather's gown on Deeds (lest you think that's his every day play gear).  

He has subsequently smiled for Morgan, and practically grinned at Dell Harper while she decorated him with stickers yesterday morning.

And as for me?  His caretaker and source of food?  Nada.   Little stinker.

Well, that's it for me.  My brain is operating at a snail's pace, and will be for another month or so.  Thank the Lord for family, good friends and a meal train!  I am so grateful for the fabulous meals we receive from friends and church three nights a week.  Hungry and too tired to think about dinner, all these meals are such an incredible blessing for our little family.


  1. What a precious family you have!!! Love the pics!

  2. I want to squeeze both of your children. I like those suits. I have been so curious about the oil pulling!!

  3. I really like that black (or is it navy?) and white striped suit - looks like it may hide my flabby middle. WIN. I'm not a squeamish person but the oil pulling thing really turns my stomach. I have no explanation for why.Good tip on coconut oil for shaving! Love all the sweet pictures of your kiddos. Good luck with sleep training!

  4. I bought a great one piece for a honeymoon swimsuit last summer from ModCloth that, ahem, held my rather large girls in just fine. It's the bathing beauty style if you're interested. Good luck!

  5. My black strapless runched bathing suit from J Crew is the best swimsuit money I ever spent. I know you're reading STRAPLESS and laughing hysterically, but I got the largest cup size upgrade and it holds these puppies IN and UP. And when I was nursing L in Mexico at 3 mo PP, I could easily do it poolside with a quick flip down!

    Boden's suits are also calling to me this season!

  6. Hello from the link up! Loving the modest yet fabulous swimsuits! ;) Your children are beautiful! Hope you and your family are enjoying a lovely weekend!!


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