Mar 16, 2014

Life Lately

Things can get a little hairy juggling two kiddos, a work from home job, a furry monster and a husband.  Some of you are thinking, "Duh!" and some are rolling your eyes to the back of your head thinking about your own workloads and life, and how easy I have it.

I'm struggling with getting the energy to go out and socialize in the evenings.  Morgan is anxious for me to get back to the swing of things, and I would like to, but I'm just exhausted by 7 o'clock.   I try to rest during the day when I can, but between work and my multitude of hobbies, it's tough.  Of course, I do consider napping one of my hobbies.  Along with reading, painting, blogging, cooking, taking my exercise,  gardening and online window shopping.  Then of course my default hobby- picking up other people's stuff.

Anyway, I was bemoaning the fact that I just couldn't muster the energy and organization to attend a dear friend's birthday dinner.  I knew I couldn't manage it- just thinking about it overwhelmed me.  But I felt guilty for not going, as well as disappointed in myself for not being up for a night of fun.  Nights of fun are my jam, yo.  Other friends with new babies were going, what is wrong with me?  I was given some wise words when I regretfully tendered my regrets- DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS.  I need to tattoo that on my forehead.  I don't compare houses, or clothes, or cars.  I compare myself in capability.  I think I have a compulsion to be capable.  Capable of doing it all.  Such a cliche.

Luckily, I'm fresh as a (rather wilted, grocery store) daisy in the mornings, so I see get to socialize with adults at play-dates and church.  Right now I will just stick to my Friday nights of "Sin-drella" watching and picnics on a towel with this girl.
 We had a lovely girls' night in, while Deeds slept and Morgan watched basketball with the guys.  I don't mess with guy time basketball watching this time of year.  I'm super nice like that (or just want him to think I am).

We all had a big Friday of playing in the park with a bunch of buddies, followed by traipsing to a nearby friend's house.  After lunch the "big kids" played in the backyard.

And the babies chilled inside.  Ha!  This picture cracks me up every time I look at it.  I love group baby shots (also, dogs and children in sunglasses).

In other news, I walked in the living room the other day to see Buddy sprawled out like this-

He was not in mid roll, or trying to get a tummy rub.  Nope, he was just resting.  Like that.  Maybe he figured that he had not distributed enough hair around the house from his back that day.  Just trying to help me practice my default hobby (i.e. picking up messes that are not of my making).  Thanks, Buddy!

 Okay, off to sign up Miss Priss for Aquatots at the Y (yay, swim lessons! also, "aquatots", hee).  Hope everyone had great weekends full of fun nights.  Or sitting on the floor watching Disney with your toddler.


  1. "Aquatots" is an exceptionally hilarious word, thank you for sharing :) I also wanted to let you know that I tried that coconut oil 'pulling' yesterday and this morning.... SO weird but I'm gonna give it a shot to see if I notice any differences. The main draw for me was the purported benefits for TMJ - if my jaw grinding headaches diminish in the least, I'll consider this experiment a success xx

  2. We are having lots of sitting on the floor watching Disney with our toddler and I don't even have a new baby as an excuse!

  3. Picnics and Cinderella are both big at our house too. That's about as social as I get most days - you're not alone. Love those sweet slumped over babies all hanging together on the couch. Too much sweentess for one picture!

  4. That group of baby sweetness is the best!!! Thanks for sharing :)


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