Apr 25, 2014

Five on Friday- Housekeeping

1.  Thank y'all so much for your comments, e-mails and texts about yesterday's post.  It's hard to turn a light onto your own faults and confess to the world.  I feel so much better knowing that many of you struggle with the same thing.

2.  I had my first gel manicure last week.  What a revelation!  I hate getting manicures because I ruin them within hours.  I probably hadn't gotten a manicure in 3 years, but this is amazing!  It might have to become a regular occurrence.

3.  I underestimated Dell Harper.  I saw her Sunday school teacher at school pickup yesterday, and told her the story of DH confusing Santa and Jesus.  The teacher said that DH is actually correct- Jesus in fact says "Ho-ho-ho-hosana!" a song they have been singing.  Sorry, Dell Harper- Mama sold you short. Miss Priss -1.  Mama's silly blog- 0.

4.  I got tons of geraniums and other blooms at Costco last week.  Today is going to be the day I finish up my containers.  I hope.

5.  Or I might take a nap.  I am struggling so much right now- I can't get my children to sleep!  Or at least sleep at the same time.  Last night was particularly bad.  Deeds had a bad night, and woke up at 12:30 and 4.  Dell Harper woke up at 2 and 5 with bad dreams.  I am at my wit's end.  I am working on Deeds' schedule, and hopefully he will get more consistent at night.  I know it's my fault for not scheduling him/sleep training like I did DH.  It's time.   It really would be totally doable if it wasn't for Dh and her bad dreams middle of the night wake ups.  HELP!  Any advice would be so appreciated.

Thank goodness they are so cute.

Linking up with these lovely ladies!


  1. Take a nap. SS was up 3 separate times last night. FOR NO REASON at least in my mind.

  2. They def are cute haha and I vote NAP all the way! Do the geraniums this weekend girl ( I need to as well!) Hope you all have a great RELAXING weekend! xoxo

  3. Babies in jammies - nothing sweeter. And that red toile chair I spy in the background looks amazing. As for plants, I quit. I bought a potted hydrangea at the Farmer's Market on Saturday and the gentleman who sold it to me said it'd last about 8 weeks in the container before I should plant it. It was dead on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the cut hydrangea stems I picked up at Publix more than 2 weeks ago look amazing. Curse my black thumb.

  4. I've never yet had a gel manicure, but I've always heard good thing about how long they last! It sounds great that you're going to start putting out flowers!

  5. I have a babe the same age as Deeds and I would love a post on sleep training. I've received such mixed messages about training for exclusively breast fed babies.

  6. I envy both your gardening skills and your will to actually do it. I lack both. Except with Italian herbs. Motivated by my stomach, per usual.

    What does DH dream about? L has bad dreams about falling and getting bug bites on her hands (she's super specific on that one!), so if she's mentioned either phobia during the day, we chat about it at bedtime ("you're safe and sound in your bed;" "let's look around -- nope, no bugs in here at all!" Etc etc etc). Sometimes that seems to help.

    If you think she's having true night terrors, I know Ferber has a chapter on them in his book!

  7. Hi from the linkup and yes girl, you need a nap. It's horrible when the kids wake up so much at night. Hang in there xx

  8. You poor thing! I hope you can get a good night's sleep soon. Naps are great and all, but there's nothing like a full night of sleep. :(

  9. That quilt is insanely gorgeous! As is your porch. Sigh, my porch is so sad.

  10. Um. Not sure what happened here...that comment was meant for your latest post!


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