Mar 30, 2010

Basketball, Babies, and Booze

So Friday was a big basketball game for UT, with Tennessee beating Ohio State for their first appearance in the Elite Eight.  Y'all, I am from Knoxville and went Georgia.  Unlike our neighbors to the north, I really could give two figs about basketball, but I do like a party!

As does MOH of course.
So we all went to Peg and Hunter's and drank and ate (except for the profusion of pregnant people who longingly looked at my wine).  As per the course with game watching events, about 25 males populated the basement, while us ladies watched the upstairs television.  I don't know why we are in middle school dance formation circa sixth grade, but that's how it goes round these parts sometimes. 

I became a little bored with basketball, and entertained myself with Miss MC, who was in full Vols regalia, including tiny little patent leather orange driving loafers.  She was in good spirits and even amenable to being licked by our hosts' pup- the handsome Cooper.

Peg's neighbor, and my Sunday School student, little Miss Clara showed up- she was being very shy.  Her mom, who attended Auburn, thought she was confused by the level of female cheering and shouting for a sporting event.  Her shyness dissipated by Sunday, and she waved her palm with abandon when we said "Hosanna!".  

A lovely evening, capped off by seeing some old friends, a having a couple of icepicks at our local favorite watering hole.

Unfortunately, Sunday's game was not so kind to the Vols, and Hubs was too depressed to go see Hot Tub Time Machine with me and some friends.  Not sure it would have cheered him too much- a little too stupid for me, btu an excellent Sunday post-nap and walk diversion.

Have y'all seen it?  Did you watch any good games this weekend?


  1. Precious! And your orange scarf is just the perfect pop of Vol spirit! I remember the days when I'd watch any and all UT sporting events in my cheerleader outfit. I wish it still fit :-(

    Where in Knoxville did you grow up? I was in the Ebenezer area - lived in Farrington, Kensington and Woodland Springs. We went to Bluegrass and A.L. Lotts for elementary school and went to church at Cedar Springs. Any/all familiar?

    Phew! Sorry for the novel. Happy Thursday!

  2. I just love your scarf!!! Where is it from? You look adorable, as always :)

  3. Haven't seen Hot Tub Time Machine, but we did see The Ghost Writer this weekend - EXCELLENT!

  4. I'm sad to hear that you didn't love Hot Tub Time Machine - I'm really wanting to see it! I haven't seen a movie in ages - I miss my movie buddy!

  5. What, pray tell, is an "icepick"? :)

  6. I'm really wanting to see it! I haven't seen a movie in ages - I miss my movie buddy!


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