Jun 29, 2010

Excuses, Grocery Store Feet, Cleaning, Liars, and Blowing Stuff Up

Dear Readers- have you abandoned me to to my terrible neglect?  I wouldn't blame you- it's been practically a week since I have posted a thing!

I could give you all the excuses in the world (work is insane, we close on the house on Friday, and I can't quit with social obligations, and have been going out on the boat instead of dealing with all of the above). . .but I think some random thoughts are far more in order.

1.  I can't stop munching on olives.  My fingers are horrendously swollen- in competition with the thousands of skeeter bites covering my white trash legs.  My trainer remarked on my flea market legs and enquired whether I had grocery store feet as a child.  Why yes, in fact I did.

2.  I am supposed to be cleaning the condo (a) in preparation for putting it on the market, (b) because it is so cluttery and messy that I can't stand it, (c) it's taking me an extra 15 minutes in the morning to get ready because my wardrobe is in such disarray, and (d)  Hubs comes home on Thursday and I like to lord it over him pretend that I am far neater and therefore genetically superior act like I am tidy.

3.  I had a pool party Saturday during the day, and then attended a different pool party Saturday night.  I wore this swimsuit and got tons of compliments from males and females alike.  As a Leo, I thrive on compliments.  Have y'all noticed much?  Hee.  Anyway, it was ideal because I made and partook in pool food (hot dogs, chicken fingers, fries, and watermelon) during the day party, and imbibed quite a number of white wine spritzers that night.  However, the pooch (y'all know what I'm talking about)  was covered by ruching- flattering and comfortable.

4.  Are y'all watching Pretty Little Liars?  It's my teeny bopper addiction which I am currently tuning into instead of hanging clothes and cleaning the kitchen.  For those watchers, is this teacher creepy or what?  Am I too old?

So- I am working on answering all your wonderful questions, packing and gearing up for my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE HOLIDAY IN THE WORLD!!!!

Yes, I love Fourth of July- lake, grilling out, drinking beers, and blowing stuff up.  Most American holiday ever, by damn.  Screw Thanksgiving, I'd take fireworks over turkey any day of the week.

So ladies (and my 2 male readers) fill me in!  What is going on-  4th of July plans?


  1. I think the teacher on pretty little liars are sexy but in general it is probably because he is a sexy man.

  2. Oh my... you had me at grocery store feet. I got the heebies when I had dirty feet, but Hudson always has grocery store feet.

    I love the suit. Maybe I need the one-piece version? No belly-baring here.

    So excited about your house. I'm not watching PLL, but maybe I should?

  3. Ahhhh, I have missed you! I love how much I laugh when I read you. We're still not sure about plans for the 4th, but I AM sure that I am intrigued by that swimsuit!

  4. We're heading down to Boca Grande on the gulf for the weekend after we run in a watermelon 5K- which is my excuse to not eat so well when we get there!
    Cannot wait to fish, do fireworks and lay on the beach!

  5. love that suit!!! I completely agree with you, 4th of July is the best holiday ever.

  6. I LOVE Pretty Little Liars and I tried really hard not to! It is def a Gossip Girl third cousin...but the outfits are cute!

  7. I'm gonna assume I'm 50% of your make readership? Awesome.

    As for 4th plans, we will be heading to the Northern Neck of Virginia (http://mattstegall.blogspot.com/2009/08/vacation.html) for a week of relaxation.

    Have a great weekend and congrats on your new house!

  8. Great suit! I guess Taylor likes to partake in pool food (or in this case, beach food) too!

  9. I love the 4th! It's my favorite holiday too! No turkey, no dressing, just give me a good ol' cookout, some blackberry cobbler and some black powder and I'm good to go.

    Also, I firmly believe that a day (or two, or three) on a boat cures all.

    And I'm covered in skeeter bites too. HATE!

  10. We still love you OF COURSE...and everyone should have a break for the summer. Your weekend sounds awesome. We are hoping one of our groomsmen is coming down from NYC and will watch the Inner Harbor fireworks from my 12th floor window office. :)Can't wait. Other than that, maybe go sailing, hiking, the beach, grill out...? Not sure yet. Need to watch PLL. Happy 4th and God Bless America!!!

  11. Your blog always makes me laugh. I love it!
    I'm looking forward to visiting in the in-laws down in FL and blowing lots of stuff up redneck-style in Ocala. Should be super patriotic.

  12. cracking up because i thought "kroger feet" was a term only my family used! kroger is our local grocery. :)

    glad you are posting! love the blog!

    it feels weird to comment to someone you don't really know, yet my sister and i are convinced that we would all be the best of friends. :)

  13. Okay, your "flea market legs" and "grocery store feet" comments make me laugh out loud! So excited for the 4th of July - neighborhood bike parade for the kids, cookout, watermelon, the pool and naps. Can't wait! And I'm with you on the stress of a move. We close at the end of July and I feel so unprepared/unmovtivated to move. Ugh!


I love to hear from y'all, so drop me a line!