This is what you saw when you walked in- poorly painted dark brown walls, a ceiling which was falling down, and some sort of closet door resembling a confessional-type thing (or what I imagine one to look like- I'm Presbyterian).
As you face the confessional, to your right was a tiny doorway with a louvered door.
See how big I look here? Wide as a house? Suffering from a major fat attack? In fact, I am standing in the EIGHTEEN INCH wide door to the kitchen!! (Also, please ignore my nerdy lawyer disguise of bun and glasses). 18 inches people. That's about a wide as a legal pad is long. Really- who would think this is a good idea? If a rexic had broad shoulders s/he could not enter this kitchen (which is probably considered a plus in the land of eating disorders, obviously I am not familiar). What a disaster.

Here's more of the kitchen. The appliances shown in these pictures don't function. I guess they're just for show. Lovely, aren't they? I especially admire the grease stains dripping down the dishwasher, which is a beautiful antique. The counter tops and cabinets are equally decorated with a mish mash of food, spilled drinks and unidentified stains- absolutely breathtaking.

Oh- you need to use the powder room? Welcome to the guest bath! As you can see the ceiling is falling off. The best part is that those chunks of popcorn ceiling are landing on carpet. The people who lived there before Morgan bought it (they rented it), had a new-born baby. Apparently, they considered the bathroom an appropriate place for the baby to possibly play, so in addition to carpeting over parquet floors (who carpets hardwood !?!?!?!), they carpeted the bathrooms. If you are eating, please come back when you are finished.
Just imagine, five years of boys living there. Poor aim. Carpet. Shudder.

Notice how it looks kin of furry around the edges? That's dust/dirt/who knows what which was piled up about 2 inches thick on the top of the fan blades.
I need to go wash my hair now.
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