I am a newlywed, and while enjoying my sudden influx of free time after spending the last 9 months of my life planning a wedding and renovating my now hubby's bachelor pad (complete hovel no more), I have realized I have a lot of unfocused creative energy. Somehow, this energy refuses to be directed into the composition of thank you notes (I'm a rude horrible person and detest writing them- slowly but surely they will be done). Instead, the energy has gone into daydreams of quitting the legal world and becoming
Julia Reed. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to become a magazine writer. This is sad
because I am a proud grad of the University of Georgia Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication (advertising major).
Anyway, so instead of writing the super fun Declaration of Conditions, Easements, Covenants, and Restrictions I should be writing, I find myself daydreaming of traipsing around trying new kinds of barbeque and interviewing grizzled old bluesman playing in juke joints in the Delta. Sigh. Of course wearing this-

Tunics are obviously not appropriate legal attire, but for hard-eating investigative barbeque journalist? Ideal!
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