Oct 26, 2009

New Job, Odds and Ends

I don't really have a new job.  I'm still plugging away, writing contracts and agreements.  I have a new dream job.  This one is slightly more unrealistic than writer for Garden and Gun.

After a SSB Saturday night filled with chocolate cake and repeated What Not to Wear viewings, I have decided that I want to be Stacy London.  She helps people, yet remains a bitchy fashionista with amazing clothes and a perfect counterpart in Clinton.  They are cruel to be kind.  I can so do that!

Unfortunately, I believe that Stacy's editorial and styling experience are much more apt to lead to a hosting gig of a makeover show than my own I-really-like-clothes-and-dressing-people-in-my-own-taste experience.  Still, I would be really good at it.  

In other news, while tweeting last night, Hubs asking me what I was doing.  I said "Messing around on Twitter."  He wanted to know who I was talking to, and I replied "Blogs I read."  Then I threw in, "You know I have a blog, right?"  So I think now he is a little confused between my blogging and my tweeting, but I feel much relieved that I have let the blog out of the secret shame bag.  Whew.

It was a fab weekend filled with rest, productivity and more rest.  Junior League volunteer shift all Saturday morning at our Tinsel and Treasure shopping fundraiser, followed my some quality time with Hubs, a workout, Tennessee-Bama game watching, then a SSB marathon of Sorority Wars (Lifetime movie- I only like the ones which center around high schoolers or college age females), and as previously mentioned, WNTW. 

Sunday was also refreshingly hangover and exhaustion free- woke up and went to early church, then a skinny vanilla latte fueled me to throw together a ham and bean soup in the pot for dinner.  Then I ran 4 miles!!!!  This exceeded my previously reached distance of 3 miles!  I am doing the Galloway method where you run for 3 minutes, then walk for 1.  I am a slow runner anyway, but my total time for 4 miles plus 1 mile warm up/cool down was 55 minutes!  I think walking does make me faster- who woulda thunk it?


  1. Ahhh I would love to be Stacy London!! She has the absolute best style and her SHOES! Oh Lordy, does she have some nice shoes!

    Sounds like you had a great weekend! Yay for 4 miles - that's great!

  2. Yep, I would love to write for Garden & Gun, too. Sounds like you had a great weekend!

  3. LOVE Stacy and Clinton. They have the best job ever!

  4. I think it's hilarious that your husband doesn't know about the blog. By the way, shooting you an e-mail about some southern food happenings... :-)

  5. Whoot! Yay for running!! I wholeheartedly believe in the Galloway method.

    Gah, I looooove Stacy & Clinton. I would love to trade places with Stacy for a day... or, you know, forever.

  6. I'd love to be Stacy, too! Especially since I'd get to hang out with Clinton. He did a fashion show at our Macy's and was so funny! I almost passed out when I got to meet him. I wish she would come and do one, too!

  7. How funny, my husband is always asking me if I'm "blogging!" xoxo


  8. I love Stacy! Her hair looks so healthy and shiny!

    Also, I love my J.Crew pixie pants as well- aren't they the best?


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