Aug 11, 2009

Bachelor Pad (Post Marriage) Before and After (living room)

Let's time travel back to when Hubs was a bachelor- living a life of filth and bad decor. Here was his TV entertainment center. Do you see the dust on that table? Disgusting!!

Ahhh, the present day- freshly painted light neutral warm walls, books, art, and cleanliness.

The leather chair was my wedding present to Hubs, as I compromise for having a "fancy" couch (as he puts it) as opposed to some furry Lazy boy monstrosity. Sidenote- he now LOVES my couch and thinks its extremely comfortable.

Here is the previous couch area. Its just gross. Look how dark it is- these pictures were taken at the same time of day in similar conditions.

Now- original artwork, antique mirror and furniture that doesn't belong in a frat house. After some initial resistance, Hubs thinks its great!

I love folk art- this painting is by a guy named Cornbread out of Georgia. Check out his stuff if you are a folk art person-

I am having curtains made of this fabric, along with coordinating pillows to tie everything together.

This is our console/bar area. Please ignore the duct taped box- full of law books and I can't lift it to move to either my office or storage. And the random gift basket.

So that's out living area. After new paint, crown molding, carpet removal, dust removal, cleaning, curtain take down (which involved me wearing a mask- Hubs didn't know you are supposed to clean drapes), cleaning, removal of gross boy furniture, tacking strip and carpet nails pull out, and more cleaning, this place is looking a lot better!


  1. OMG. Seriously all of these renovation pictures look fantastic! You guys did such a great job!

  2. love your taste girly!
    everything looks great!

  3. You did such an awesome job! it looks great.


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